Maybe We Should Pass on the Feedback Sandwich

Katie Cheadle, Co-Founder of Evolve

The traditional "Feedback Sandwich" has been around forever. You highlight something positive, followed by an area that needs improvement, and then finish with another positive note. I remember when I first learned this strategy I was 19 years old playing softball at UC Berkeley and we were told to use this model with the youth athletes that came to our camp. I later saw that this was being taught in the organizations I worked with post-undergrad. It seems like this theory made sense on the surface, but in practice, I think it can lead to confusion. Some individuals focus entirely on the negative, missing the positive feedback completely and others ruminate on the negative, completely ignoring the positive recognition!

In my experience working with Executives and researching company cultures across the globe, I’ve learned that there is a more effective way to deliver the message. It seems to work best when there are two separate processes created.

When delivering a more critical message, it can be beneficial to preface the dialogue by telling the person you have some feedback or even asking them if they would like feedback. Following the entry, this becomes a learning-focused, two-way street about growth. There’s no confusion and it’s collaborative, which are both key components to conscious communication and engaging company cultures.

When leaders want to deliver a positive message, the best method is to use recognition and praise! It feels so affirming to employees when leaders radiate delight and are ultra-clear that they are observing praise-worthy behavior and results. These moments of authentic, warm connection help create clarity, improved sense of belonging, and inspire future action.

It’s time to toss the old “Feedback Sandwich” and develop new ways of connecting with your team! You can learn more effective tools for communication in our Conscious Communication workshop.

